Union-Find Data Structure
After reading this chapter and engaging in the embedded activities and reflections, you should be able to:
- Identify the operations of the Union-Find data structure.
- Trace the quick find implementation strategy for union-find.
- Trace the quick union implementation strategy for union-find.
- Differentiate the advantages/disadvantages of quick find vs. quick union.
- Trace the "quick union" implementation with union-by-size and path compression heuristics.
- Explain the runtime improvements gained by using the heuristics for union-find operations.
- Define the iterated logarithm (log-star) function.
- Identify the amortized runtime of union-find operations.
- Explain how to implement Kruskal's algorithm efficiently using a union-find structure to detect cycles. Identify the resulting time complexity.
This chapter does not have a starter/solution code.